Corpus Extremus (Life+)

Curated by Boryana Rossa

Corpus Extremus (LIFE+), the second exhibition of Exit Art’s Curatorial Incubator Program, will present work by artists who are using bio- and media- technologies to investigate questions of life and death. A representative of a relatively new international trend, these artists are uniting science and art to challenge conventional understanding of both fields.

Prior to the eighteenth century, art and science were not separated as distinct disciplines and were often joined. Thus a hybrid bio-art discipline is nothing radically new. Yet, the work in Corpus Extremus (LIFE+) represents a revolution in interdisciplinary research and practices and offers a critical evaluation of science and technology through art. This direct involvement of artists in scientific research and lab practices aims to demystify science through a cross-disciplinary approach; to provoke discussion about art and science as creative stimuli to each other, and to pose ethical questions to society.

The artworks in this exhibition deal with the transformation of our notions of life and death due to the implementation of biotechnological advances in everyday life. Recent innovations in science and technology are causing us to confront and challenge our conventional understanding of the body. Trying to reveal “the secret of life,” and to retain health, we are finding new ways to create living transplants and sustain life outside of the body. This possibility gives ground for the design of new organisms – hybrids, cyborgs, and extended human bodies – that might be a new stage in evolution with a questionable future.


Suzanne Anker, Guy Ben-Ary, and Philip Gamblen in collaboration with Dr. Steve Potter Lab (Dr. Steve Potter, Douglas Swehla, Stephen Bobic), BioKino (Guy Ben-Ary and Tanya Visosevic), Dmitry Bulatov, Center for PostNatural History, Kathy High, Soyo Lee, Yuri Leiderman and Andrei Silvestrov, Stelarc, The Tissue Culture, and Art Project (Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr), ULTRAFUTURO (Oleg Mavromatti and Boryana Rossa) in collaboration with Chris Bjornsson and Kathy High, Paul Vanouse, Jennifer Willet, Adam Zaretsky, and the pFARM Collective


Boryana Rossa is an interdisciplinary artist and Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of the Arts at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She works in the fields of electronic arts, film, video, performance, and photography. Her works have been shown at Kunstwerke, Berlin; The Moscow Biennial; Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum, New York; and Akademie der Kunste, Berlin. In 2004, together with the Russian artist Oleg Mavromatti, Rossa established UTRAFUTURO — an art/tech collective.


Overbye, Dennis. “Hello Van Gogh, Can You Hear Me Now?” New York Times, April 13, 2009.

Harris, Susan and Marry Anne Staniszewsky ed. Exit Art: Unfinished Memories: 30 Years of Exit Art. (New York : Exit Art ; Göttingen : Steidl) 2016. 329, 360.

Rossa, Boryana. “On Corpus Extremus (Life+)” Exhibition publication, New York: Exit Art, 2009.

Warner, Emily. “Corpus Extremus (Life +).” Brooklyn Rail, April 2009.

Frazzetto, Giovanni. “A Gallery of Chimaeric Curiosities.” Nature, Vol. 458, March 12th 2009.

Shannon, Jonathan. “Sci-Art at Exit Art.” Time Out, NYC, February 27th, 2009, 6:59 pm.


Public Events


Corpus Extremus (LIFE+) Explained and Expanded, Part 1

A series of presentations by Corpus Extremus artists and researchers that shed light on their work and bio-art issues.

Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr of The Tissue Culture and Art Project discuss their work, NoArk II, and semi-living objects (partly alive and partly constructed) as a new class of object beings. Dr. Steve Potter, Associate Professor, Laboratory for NeuroEngineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, joins us via Skype for a presentation regarding the science behind Silent Barrage in Corpus Extremus. Guy Ben-Ary will discuss the concepts behind Silent Barrage. Tanya Visosevic from BioKino will discuss the interface between biological arts to film theory and cinema history in The Living Screen. Exit Underground. FREE. Cash bar.

FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 6-9pm

Corpus Extremus (LIFE+) Explained and Expanded, Part 2

Paul Vanouse presents his work and issues of biopiracy and patenting of life. Adam Zaretsky does a presentation on mutagenic arts related to his work pFARM :: Organic Fetish Biotech, which is followed by a screening of the project’s 60 minute film. FREE. Cash bar.


Corpus Extremus (LIFE+) Explained and Expanded, Part 3

Panels and Screenings:

Kathy High, Faith Wilding, Irina Aristarkhova, Rich Pell, Suzanne Anker, Critical Art Ensemble and Jennifer Willet engage with issues of reproductive rights, male pregnancy, immolation from combat viewed through the destructive effects on skin, transgenic design, and the interaction of lab ecologies.

Yuri Leiderman, Andrei Silvestrov and Oleg Mavromatti will expand the science/society discussion by presenting a critical and historical overview of Russian Cosmism as a mystical philosophy that deeply affected the development of Soviet science and space research, as well as the relationship between spirituality and science and their media representation.

Opening: Saturday February 28, 7-10pm

Exit Art
475 Tenth Avenue – New York